Empowering Women in Business: Insights into What Female Clients Want

Headshot of Chelsea Isaac

Written by Chelsea

January 20, 2024

Discover key strategies to empower women in business with our in-depth guide. Learn how to truly understand and meet the needs of your female clients, enhancing their experience and boosting your brand's appeal. Ideal for women service providers looking to connect more effectively with their audience.

Welcome to the world where women in business are not just seen but heard. In 'Empowering Women in Business: Insights into What Female Clients Want,' we delve into the unique challenges and aspirations of female entrepreneurs and service providers. Understanding your clients goes beyond mere market research; it's about connecting with the heart of their needs and aspirations. This guide offers practical advice and insightful strategies to help you build a brand that resonates deeply with women, transforming your business approach and fostering stronger client relationships. Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, these insights are key to unlocking a more profound and successful engagement with your female clientele.

The Growing Influence of Women in Business

As we step into a new era of entrepreneurship, the landscape of business is witnessing a remarkable transformation, one that is brightly colored by the increasing influence of women. Gone are the days when business was a male-dominated field. Today, women are not just part of the business world; they are shaping it with their unique perspectives, innovative ideas, and resilient leadership.

A Look at the Numbers

The statistics are both inspiring and telling. According to the National Association of Women Business Owners, as of 2021, there are 11.6 million women-owned businesses in the United States alone, generating $1.7 trillion in sales. These businesses aren't just surviving; they're thriving, creating jobs and opportunities in diverse sectors.

Globally, the trend is similar. The World Bank reports that 40% of businesses worldwide are owned by women, showing a significant leap in female entrepreneurial activity. This upsurge is more than a statistic; it's a narrative of empowerment and change.

Stories of Success

Behind every statistic is a story of determination. Take, for example, Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx, who turned $5,000 into a billion-dollar empire, or Jessica Alba's The Honest Company, which reflects a commitment to ethical consumerism. These success stories are about challenging norms and redefining what is possible for women in business, not just financial success.

Shifting Market Trends

This rise in women-led businesses is transforming market trends. Women entrepreneurs tend to bring a different approach to business – one that often prioritizes customer experience, social impact, and community engagement. This shift is not going unnoticed by consumers. A study by the Harvard Business Review revealed that companies that value diversity and inclusion are 70% more likely to capture new markets.

Moreover, women are also becoming a more powerful force in consumer spending. Forbes notes that women drive 70-80% of all consumer purchasing decisions. This power extends beyond mere transactional influence; it's about shaping the market, from the types of products offered to the ways they are marketed and sold.

Understanding the Female Consumer

In the heart of every successful business is a deep understanding of its customers. When it comes to women, this understanding transcends mere demographics or buying patterns. It's about connecting with their values, aspirations, and experiences. Women, known for their multifaceted roles in society, bring a unique expectations and preferences to the marketplace.

What Women Value in Their Consumer Experience

A study by Ernst & Young revealed that women prioritize trustworthiness, reliability, and ethical standards in brands. They look for products and services that not only meet their needs but also align with their values. For instance, a brand that champions sustainability, supports social causes, or promotes inclusivity is likely to resonate more with female consumers.

Personalization is another key factor. Women appreciate when brands acknowledge their individuality. Tailored marketing messages, customized product offerings, and attentive customer service can make all the difference in winning their loyalty.

The Role of Emotional Connection

The Harvard Business Review notes that emotional connection plays a pivotal role in a woman's decision to buy from a particular brand. Women tend to be more relationship-oriented and value businesses that foster a sense of community and connection. This could mean engaging with customers through social media, creating community events, or offering excellent customer support.

Case Studies and Quotes from Successful Women-Led Businesses

For instance, Glossier, a beauty brand founded by Emily Weiss, has built a cult following by focusing on community-driven product development and authentic engagement with its customers. Their approach of listening to and involving their community in product creation has set a new standard in customer-centric business.

Similarly, Rent the Runway, co-founded by Jennifer Hyman and Jennifer Fleiss, revolutionized the fashion rental space by understanding and catering to the evolving fashion needs of modern women. They not only provided a solution to the ‘nothing to wear’ dilemma but also created a platform for women to experiment with fashion without the commitment of purchase.

Designing Your Brand to Appeal to Women

Creating a brand that appeals to women goes beyond just choosing the right color palette or crafting a catchy slogan. It's about forging a connection that resonates on a deeper level. Women are not a monolith; they are diverse, with varied interests, backgrounds, and lifestyles. A brand that recognizes and celebrates this diversity stands out in the crowded marketplace.

Branding Aesthetics and Messaging

Visuals are powerful. They can convey messages and evoke emotions instantaneously. When designing your brand's visual identity, consider aesthetics that speak to the diversity and sophistication of women today. This doesn't mean sticking to stereotypical 'feminine' colors or imagery. It's about creating a design that is inclusive, approachable, and reflective of the brand's values and ethos.

Your brand's messaging should resonate with the core values and voice of your female audience. This involves using language that empowers, includes, and speaks directly to their experiences. Authenticity is key; women appreciate brands that are genuine in their communication and not just using women-centric messaging as a marketing tactic.

Inclusivity and Diversity in Branding

Inclusivity is not just a buzzword; it's a business imperative. Brands that showcase diversity in their marketing and product lines not only win the trust of women but also reflect the reality of our global community. This includes representing different ages, body types, races, and cultures in your branding materials.

Social Media and Digital Marketing

Social media and digital marketing offer incredible platforms for engaging directly with female audiences. Use these channels to tell stories, share user-generated content, and start conversations that matter to women. Social media isn't just about promoting products; it's about building relationships and creating a community around your brand.

For example, Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign broke ground by featuring women of all shapes, sizes, and ethnicities, challenging the traditional beauty stereotypes. This approach not only garnered immense positive response but also helped solidify Dove as a brand that understands and celebrates real women.

Empathy in Web Design

In the digital age, a website is often the first interaction a potential client has with a brand. For women, who are typically detail-oriented and value a holistic experience, the design and functionality of a website can be a deciding factor in their consumer journey. Empathy in web design means creating a website that not only looks good but feels right and intuitive to the user.

Importance of User-Friendly Design

A user-friendly website is about simplicity and ease of navigation. Women appreciate websites that help them find what they need quickly and without hassle. This means having a clear layout, readable fonts, and intuitive menus. Remember, a website that's easy to navigate is one that respects the user's time and needs.

Aesthetics and Content

The aesthetic of a website should align with the brand's identity and appeal to its female audience. This doesn't mean overusing pinks or florals; rather, it's about using a color scheme and imagery that speak to the brand’s essence and resonate with women. The content should be engaging, informative, and inclusive, addressing the concerns and interests of the female demographic.

For instance, a health and wellness website targeting women might use soothing colors, provide easy access to resources, and feature articles on topics relevant to their audience's well-being.

Creating a Positive User Experience

The goal is to create a website that not only draws women in but also encourages them to stay and explore. This can be achieved by ensuring your website is responsive (mobile-friendly) and has fast loading times. Incorporate elements like customer testimonials, engaging visuals, and interactive features to enhance the user experience.

Take, for instance, the website of 'The Everygirl'. It's a prime example of empathetic design, offering a clean layout, comprehensive navigation, and content that directly speaks to the interests and needs of its female audience.

Building Trust and Credibility

In any relationship, business or personal, trust is the foundation. For women, who often make purchasing decisions based on trust and credibility, this is especially true. Building trust with your female audience isn't just about what you sell; it's about how you conduct your business, communicate your values, and engage with your community.

The Importance of Testimonials and Reviews

Word of mouth is powerful, especially among women. Testimonials and reviews can significantly influence their buying decisions. Featuring real stories and feedback from satisfied customers not only adds a layer of authenticity to your brand but also provides social proof that can reassure potential clients. It's about showing, not just telling, that your brand is reliable and customer-focused.

Transparency and Honesty in Business Dealings

Transparency is key to building trust. This means being open about your business practices, prices, and the quality of your products or services. Women appreciate when brands are honest about their strengths and areas for improvement. This kind of honesty fosters a sense of reliability and dependability.

For example, Everlane, a clothing brand, has built its reputation on radical transparency, sharing the true costs behind their products and the ethical factories where they're made. This approach has resonated strongly with consumers, especially women, who value honesty and ethical business practices.

Effective and Authentic Communication

Effective communication goes beyond marketing messages. It's about creating genuine connections. Engage with your audience through regular updates, responsive customer service, and active listening. Show that you care about their opinions and are willing to adapt based on their feedback.

Remember, building trust is a continuous process. It's about consistently demonstrating your commitment to your values and your customers. This consistent effort will not only build trust but also turn customers into loyal advocates for your brand.

Tailoring Your Services to Meet Women's Needs

Understanding and meeting the needs of women is not just market strategy; it's about recognizing and valuing their unique preferences and challenges. Women, diverse in their roles and responsibilities, look for services that not only address their requirements but also reflect an understanding of their lifestyle and values.

Customizing Services for the Female Market

To tailor your services to women, start by understanding the nuances of their daily lives. This could mean offering flexible service hours for working mothers, creating packages that cater to different age groups, or providing personalized solutions that address specific concerns.

For instance, a fitness center might offer specialized classes for prenatal and postnatal care, acknowledging the unique health journey of women. A financial service company could develop investment plans that cater to women at different stages of their careers and family life.

The Importance of Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Feedback is a goldmine of information. Actively seeking and responding to feedback from your female clientele helps in refining your services to better suit their needs. It shows that you value their input and are committed to continuous improvement. Regular surveys, feedback forms, and open communication channels can be effective ways to gather this valuable information.

Balancing Quality and Affordability

While quality should never be compromised, understanding the price sensitivity of different segments of your female audience is important. Offering a range of options that cater to various budget levels can make your services more accessible and appealing. This approach doesn't mean lowering standards but providing choices that accommodate different financial situations.

For example, a beauty brand might offer products in various sizes, providing more affordable options without compromising on quality. Similarly, a professional coaching service could provide group sessions as a more cost-effective alternative to one-on-one coaching.

Networking and Community Building

In the tapestry of business success, the threads of networking and community are intertwined, especially for women entrepreneurs and service providers. Building a strong network and creating a community can be transformative, not just for individual businesses but for the entire ecosystem of women in business.

The Power of Networking

Networking is more than exchanging business cards; it's about creating meaningful connections and learning from one another. For women in business, networking can open doors to new opportunities, partnerships, and collaborations. It's about finding mentors, peers, and allies who can offer support, advice, and encouragement.

Consider joining or creating women-focused networking groups, attending industry conferences, or participating in online forums. These spaces can offer valuable opportunities to connect with like-minded women, share experiences, and grow your business network.

Community Support Among Women in Business

There's strength in numbers. Building a community around your brand or business not only fosters loyalty but also creates an environment where ideas and resources are shared. This can be particularly empowering for women, who often thrive in collaborative and supportive settings.

Creating online groups, hosting events, or running workshops can be effective ways to build and engage with a community. These initiatives provide a platform for women to connect, learn, and support each other's growth and success.

Engaging with a Community of Female Entrepreneurs and Clients

Engagement is key. Actively participating in discussions, offering valuable insights, and being genuinely interested in the success of others can help in building strong community ties. Remember, a community is not just what you get from it, but also about what you give.

For example, a business coach specializing in female entrepreneurs could host a monthly webinar series, offering a space for learning and discussion. Similarly, a female-led tech company could organize coding workshops for women, helping to build skills and foster a sense of community in a traditionally male-dominated field.


As we wrap up this journey through the dynamic world of women in business, it's clear that the landscape is evolving rapidly, with women at the forefront of this change. From understanding the nuances of the female consumer to designing empathetic and inclusive brands, the key lies in recognizing and valuing the unique perspectives and needs of women.

We've explored how tailoring your services, building trust and credibility, and engaging in meaningful networking and community building can make a significant difference in connecting with women clients and customers. These strategies are not just about enhancing business success; they are about creating a more inclusive, empathetic, and supportive business environment for women.

The rise of women in business is not a fleeting trend; it's a powerful movement that's reshaping the marketplace. By embracing these insights and strategies, you have the opportunity to be part of this exciting transformation. Whether you are a budding entrepreneur or an established business owner, understanding and catering to the needs of women can elevate your brand to new heights.

We encourage you to take these learnings and implement them in your business practices. Remember, the journey towards understanding and empowering women in business is ongoing. It requires continuous learning, adaptation, and genuine commitment.

We'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences in this area. Share your stories, successes, and even the challenges you've faced. Together, let's build a community that supports and uplifts women in every aspect of business.

Additional Resources

Embarking on the journey of understanding and catering to women in business is both exciting and challenging. To help you further on this path, we've compiled a list of additional resources. These books, websites, and organizations offer a wealth of information, insights, and support for anyone looking to delve deeper into this subject.


  1. "Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead" by Sheryl Sandberg - This influential book offers insights into the challenges women face in the professional world and ways to overcome them.
  2. "Girl, Stop Apologizing" by Rachel Hollis - A motivational read that encourages women to embrace their ambitions and break free from societal expectations.
  3. "Women Who Launch: The Women Who Shattered Glass Ceilings" by Marlene Wagman-Geller - A collection of inspiring stories about women entrepreneurs and leaders who have made significant impacts.


  1. Forbes Women - A section of Forbes dedicated to women in business, offering articles, advice, and profiles of successful women.
  2. The Everygirl - A comprehensive resource for creative, career-driven women, offering tips on entrepreneurship, career, and lifestyle.
  3. Business Chicks - A global community that provides content, events, and networking opportunities for women in business.


  1. National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) - An organization that represents the interests of women entrepreneurs across various industries.
  2. Women Who Code - A global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers, offering coding resources and community events.
  3. LeanIn.Org - Founded by Sheryl Sandberg, this organization offers support and resources for women aiming to achieve their goals.

Online Courses and Workshops:

  • Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer various courses on entrepreneurship, digital marketing, and leadership specifically tailored for women.

These resources are just the starting point in your journey. They offer guidance, inspiration, and support, helping navigate the experience of being a women in business. Every step you take towards understanding and empowering women in your business practices contributes to a more diverse and vibrant business world.

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